Birth Chart & More
Moonology Forecast | £44
Using the date, time and place of birth - This forecast will give you an insight of how the moon energies play a part in your every day life. Helping you manifest and get the outcome you desire. Giving you a 12 month forecast.
All-purpose interpretations birth chart report | £25 - By Email
This is an In-depth report using your date of birth, the place and time your where born.
Including a brief introduction to the concepts of astrology.
Getting to know who you really are.
Life goals,
Challenges in life,
Purpose and joy.
Lunar Returns Report| £25 - By Email
The Moon has been long known for its effect on planet Earth. Together with the gravitational pull of the Earth and the Sun it is known to influence the ebb and flow of the tides of oceans. The Earth’s large moon makes it unique in the inner Solar System. The Earth’s large moon makes it unique in the inner Solar System and in turn has aided astrologers to associate the cycles of the Moon with human affairs, in particular the emotions of individuals. This report includes:
An Introduction to Lunar Returns explaining the concept of a monthly forecast.
Your temperament during the Month,
Your Emotional Satisfaction during the Month.
Turning Points during the Month,
Your Vitality during the Month,
Your Communication Needs during the month,
Your drive and determination during the month ,
Your Social Needs during the month.
*This is unique to you as we use your Date, time and place that you where born.
Angel Report | £25 - By Email
The mysteries of the Angelic realms unfold in this beautifully written and illustrated astrology report. With an emphasis on Neptune in the chart, this report includes:
An Introduction to Angels in Astrology,
Angels of the Cardinal Directions,
Your Most Powerful Angelic Connections,
Angels in Your Daily Life,
Interacting with Angels,
A glossary of Angels and other Angelic information.
*This report is unique to you as we use your date, time and place you where born to make the report
Health and Wellbeing Report | £25 - By Email
Health and Wellbeing is an insightful astrology report with tips about diet, exercise and healing modalities. This wonderful report helps you identify and transform imbalances of energy and negative emotional patterns, as well as discover ways to boost your self-esteem and discover renewed energy and purpose.
The report contains:
Your General Temperament:,
Your Emotional Health,
Your Spiritual Essence,
Your Vitality,
Managing the Physical Demands of Living,
Your Physical Body and Energy,
Your Strengths and Sensitivities,
Your Inner Needs and Outer Experiences,
Work and Health,
Managing the Impact of Stress,
Limiting the impact of Chronic Stress,
Your Physical Energy and Exercise,
Healing Solutions.
*This is unique to you as we use your date, place and time of birth to forecast the report.
Vocation Report | £25 - By Email
Vocation provides an in-depth insight into the soul’s expression through career. It provides an astrological consideration of your vocational potentialities and to help you, and anyone who reads this report, to reflect on a fulfilling career path. The report contains:
An Introduction to Vocation,
Vocation and Destiny,
Vocation and Direction,
Vocation and Character,
*This is unique to you as we use your time, date and place of birth.
Goddess Report | £25 - by Email
The mystery and power of 12 goddesses are revealed in this ground-breaking report helping you to discover your true potential. You can read about the mythology of 12 Greco-Roman Asteroid Goddesses as well as the interpretations of each in the sign and house of your birth chart.
The report contains:
An Insightful Introduction to Goddess Mythology,
The Mythology of each of the 12 Asteroid Goddess,
Ceres, The Earth Mother
Pallas Athene, The Wisdom of the Warrior
Juno, Socialising the Soul ,
Vesta, The Inner Life,
Hygieia, The Soul of Health,
Ariadne, The Labyrinth of the Soul
Europa, The Soul of the Earth,
Pandora:, A Gift of Hope,
Mnemosyne, The Soul of Memory.
Hecate, The Soul in Transition,
Cassandra:, The Prophetic Soul
Madea, Herbalist and Healer.
*This is unique to you as we use your date, time and place of birth to forecast the report.